Almost There: Reflections on the Longest Campaign

Do campaigns “matter” at all? Richard Johnston will comment on developments within the 2015 campaign, drawing upon work by himself and others on campaigns in Canada and elsewhere.
  • Richard Johnston, Canada Research Chair in Public Opinion, Elections, and Representation; Political Science, UBC
    Coach House, Green College, UBC

    Wednesday, October 7, 5-6:30 pm

    Green College Special Lecture
  • Richard Johnston will comment on developments within the 2015 campaign, drawing upon work by himself and others on campaigns in Canada and elsewhere. A question that always arises is: do campaigns "matter" at all? Campaigns also raise normative questions, for instance, about the place of negative advertising. And campaigns must also be seen in larger contexts—of the history of the Canadian party system and of Canada in comparison with other mass democracies.

  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.


October 7th, 2015 from  5:00 PM to  6:30 PM
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Speaker Series Green College Special Lecture
Short Title Almost There: Reflections on the Longest Campaign
Speaker (new) Richard Johnston, Canada Research Chair in Public Opinion, Elections, and Representation; Political Science, UBC
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Speaker First Name Richard
Speaker Last Name Johnston
Speaker Affiliation Canada Research Chair in Public Opinion, Elections, and Representation; Political Science, UBC
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