Magnitude 9 Earthquakes: Japan (Tohoku) in 2011 and Cascadia (British Columbia To California) in 2xxx?
Simon Peacock, Dean, Faculty of Science and Professor, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, UBC
Woodward Instructional Resource Centre Lecture Hall 2, UBC
Saturday, January 23, 8:15-9:30 pmin
The Vancouver Institute Lectures -
Simon Peacock
Simon Peacock's research focuses on understanding the thermal, petrologic, and seismological structure of subduction zones – places on Earth where tectonic plates dive into the Earth’s mantle triggering great earthquakes and explosive volcanism. His research integrates numerical heat-transfer models with petrologic models constrained by experiments and natural mineral assemblages in order to gain insight into processes operating at 20 to 700 kilometers depth in the Earth. The resulting integrated thermalpetrologic models are tested against seismological observations of modern subduction zones. The Cascadia subduction zone lies west of Vancouver Island and extends from the north tip of the Island to northern California.
Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.
2194 Health Sciences Mall
Woodward Instructional Resources Centre
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
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