A Dog in a Daisy Patch: Exploring the Recursive Playground

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  • Andrew Alexander, Mathematics
    Coach House, Green College, UBC and livestreamed

    Monday, December 9, 8-9 pm
    in the series
    Green College Resident Members' Series
  • One of the most powerful and broadly applicable tools in mathematics is that of recursion, in which a solution to a problem can be stated in terms of solutions to simpler or smaller versions of the same problem. In this talk, we will give a friendly introduction to mathematical recursion through three otherwise unrelated puzzles. First, we will use the language of recurrence relations to solve the Tower of Hanoi of any height in the fewest moves. Second, we will use induction to find an optimal solution to the pirate game, a variant of the classic ultimatum game in game theory, for up to 200 pirates. Finally, we will investigate the surprising recursive solution to the Kakeya Needle Problem, a geometric curiosity posed 100 years ago that launched the field of geometric measure theory. While we will present partial mathematical proofs of each of the above problems, emphasis will be on an accessible exposition of the mathematical intuition, and hopefully an insight into the problem solving process in mathematics in general.

    Andrew Alexander (he/him) is an MSc student in the Department of Mathematics at UBC. Prior to UBC, he received a BA in Mathematics from Princeton University. His research interests lie broadly in discrete mathematics, with particular passion for problems in discrete and discretized incidence geometry, the interface of combinatorics with harmonic analysis, and extremal and structural graph theory. He has a special affinity for problems whose statements, and solutions, can be intuitively understood with a well-drawn picture. When he isn’t doing math, Andrew enjoys listening to music, doing crossword puzzles, playing piano and volleyball, and undertaking far-too-elaborate cooking projects.

  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.


December 9th, 2024 from  8:00 PM to  9:00 PM
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Speaker Series Green College Resident Members' Series
Short Title A Dog in a Daisy Patch: Exploring the Recursive Playground
Speaker (new) Andrew Alexander, Mathematics
Short Speaker Andrew Alexander
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