• Benoit-Antoine Bacon, President, UBC
    Coach House, Green College, UBC and livestreamed

    Wednesday, October 9, 5-6 pm, with reception to follow
    in the series
    Green College Special Lecture
  • More information on this special lecture will be posted shortly.

    Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon started a five-year term as the 17th President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of British Columbia on November 1, 2023. Since 2020, he has also been serving on the Board of Directors of Universities Canada.

    As President, Dr. Bacon leads the academic mission and operations of UBC as it continues to evolve as a global institution that is consistently ranked amongst the best universities in the world.

    Before joining UBC, Dr. Bacon served in several academic leadership roles, including as President and Vice-Chancellor of Carleton University in Ottawa, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) at Queen’s University in Kingston, and as Provost and Vice-President (Academic Affairs) at Concordia University in his hometown of Montreal, where he was recognized with an award as Sustainability Champion.

    Dr. Bacon holds a PhD in neuropsychology from the University of Montreal, after which he undertook a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. His research in the field of cognitive neuroscience focuses on the links between brain activity and perception in the visual, auditory and vestibular systems, as well as on multisensory integration.

    Sharing his own lived experience, he advocates nationally for open conversations about mental health and substance use. These efforts have been recognized with a Transformational Leader Inspiration Award from the Royal Ottawa Hospital, and the Honorary Presidency of the Canadian Psychological Association.

  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.

October 9th, 2024 from  5:00 PM to  6:30 PM
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Speaker (new) Benoit-Antoine Bacon, President, UBC
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