Nuclear Fusion: Possibility of a Great Energy Revolution?

  • Merlin Pelz, Applied Mathematics, UBC
    Coach House, Green College, UBC (Resident Members only) and livestreamed

    Monday, May 23, 8-9pm
    in the series
    Green College Resident Member Special Lecture
  • In our sun, the energy release rate of nuclear fusion reactions (caused by fusing a hydrogen atom with another hydrogen atom) is only about a quarter of the volumetric rate at which a resting human body generates heat. In contrast to this, one ton of deuterium (heavy hydrogen) consumed through the fusion reaction with tritium can release energy equivalent of 29 billion tons of coal! Therefore, nuclear fusion has tremendous potential for managing our global energy concerns.

    What is the current state of research, and how is nuclear fusion performed? What difficulties are associated with fusion reactors? In this talk, Merlin will address these questions in an understandable way, and in the last few minutes, if time permits, he will demonstrate how mathematicians are involved in making this large scale endeavour possible. Merlin invites us all to be visionaries for the future of energy production for cities and nations this Monday!


    Merlin Pelz is a Ph.D. student in Applied Mathematics at UBC. Having briefly worked on vegetation pattern formation and on numerical methods for plasma physics, Merlin is now focusing on symmetry-breaking (specialization) in biological cell groups. For this, Merlin is trying to find, mathematically, the underlying natural laws that are connected to the emergence of multicellularity. Most importantly, Merlin is enjoying living at this beautiful and open place called Green College.





  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.


May 23rd, 2022 from  8:00 PM to  9:00 PM
Coach House
6201 Cecil Green Park Rd
Green College, UBC
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
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Speaker Series Green College Resident Member Special Lecture
Short Title Nuclear Fusion: Possibility of a Great Energy Revolution?
Speaker (new) Merlin Pelz
Short Speaker Merlin Pelz
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