Experiences of Queer Youth Navigating Substance Use During Overlapping Public Health Crises

  • Rodney Stehr, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program
    Coach House, Green College, UBC and livestreamed

    Monday, December 6, 8-9 pm
    in the series
    Green College Resident Members' Series
  • Following the relaxation of provincial restrictions on public gatherings, Green College is no longer registering audience members in advance for in-person or hybrid (in-person and livestreamed) events in the Coach House. All persons attending in-person events are required to provide proof of vaccination and ID, and to wear a mask. Green College reserves the right to deny entry to anyone who does not comply.

    The presentation will cover Rodney Stehr's thesis work on the experiences of queer youth navigating overlapping public health crisesspecifically COVID-19 and the overdose crisis. To help set-up he context for his research, Rodney will provide a summary of how COVID-19 and the overdose crisis have been broadly impacting populations in Vancouver, British Columbia throughout the timeline of his thesis work. He will then outline the methods used in the study (i.e., digital diaries and remote semi-structured interviewing) and how their usage implicates the types of data collected, accessibility and rapport. Finally, Rodney will share initial findings from his thesis work.

    Rodney Stehr is a mixed settler student pursuing an MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies with the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program at UBC. Rodney is a Resident Member of Green College, and the first presenter in the 2021-22 Green College Resident Members’ Series.

  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.


December 6th, 2021 from  8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Coach House
6201 Cecil Green Park Rd
Green College, UBC
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
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Speaker Series Green College Resident Members' Series
Short Title Experiences of Queer Youth Navigating Substance Use During Overlapping Public Health Crises
Speaker (new) Rodney Stehr, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program
Short Speaker Rodney Stehr
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