Epigenetics: How Nature and Nurture Together Shape Our Offspring

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  • Moshe Szyf, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University; with a response by Judith Hall, Pediatrics and Medical Genetics; Foundation Fellow of Green College
    Coach House and Livestreamed

    Tuesday, September 21, 5-6:30 pm
    in the series
    Intergenerational Effects of Psychological Trauma
    in partnership with UBC Emeritus College
  • ***Registration has closed for in-person viewing in the Coach House. However, the lecture can be viewed via livestream.***

    It is well established that the social and physical environment early in life has long-term impact on our physical and mental health and behaviour later in life. What are the mechanisms that mediate the effects of the early environment on our health? Are these effects reversible later in life? The genetic information in DNA that we inherit from our ancestors is programmed by another layer of machinery; the epigenome. The epigenome is established during gestation but is highly attentive to cues from the internal and external environment early in life and thus serves as an interface between our static genome and the dynamic environment. We will discuss data from animal models and humans supporting the hypothesis that early-life social environment leaves its marks in our epigenome and affects stress, health and mental health later in life, creating a molecular link between nurture and nature. Although the epigenetic marks made in our genome in response to experience are extremely stable, they are also potentially reversible by epigenetic therapy, pointing to the prospect of epigenetic therapeutics in mental health.

  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.


September 21st, 2021 from  5:00 PM to  6:30 PM
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Speaker Series Intergenerational Effects of Psychological Trauma
Short Title Epigenetics: How Nature and Nurture Together Shape Our Offspring
Speaker (new) Moshe Szyf, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University; with a response by Judith Hall, Pediatrics and Medical Genetics; Foundation Fellow of Green College
Short Speaker Moshe Szyf, Judith Hall
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