Podcasting as Feminist Method

  • Hannah McGregor, Publishing, Simon Fraser University
    Coach House, Green College, UBC

    Thursday, October 3, 5-6:30 pm, with reception to follow
    in the series
    Green College Leading Scholars' Series: Challenging Differences
  • This talk, the first in a series presented by the 2018-20 cohort of new-faculty Leading Scholars at Green College, proposes that we can think of podcasting as a scholarly method that opens out new possibilities not just for the kinds of audience our work will reach but also for the nature of our work itself—and that it also has the potential to be a feminist method. Through its facilitation of scholarly accountability to multiple publics, its challenges to institutionality, and the space it builds for grappling with ideas without arriving at conclusions, podcasting may help to shift the ecosystem of scholarship such that new forms of scholarly thinking become possible.

    Hannah McGregor is an Assistant Professor of Publishing at Simon Fraser University, where her research focuses on podcasting as scholarly communication, systemic barriers to access in the Canadian publishing industry, and magazines as middlebrow media. She is the co-creator of Witch, Please, a feminist podcast on the Harry Potter world, and the creator of the weekly podcast Secret Feminist Agenda, which is currently undergoing an experimental peer review process with Wilfrid Laurier University Press. She is also the co-editor of the book Refuse: CanLit in Ruins (Book*hug 2018).

  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.


October 3rd, 2019 from  5:00 PM to  6:30 PM
Coach House
6201 Cecil Green Park Rd
Green College, UBC
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
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Speaker Series Green College Leading Scholars' Series
Short Title Podcasting as Feminist Method
Speaker (new) Hannah McGregor, Publishing, Simon Fraser University
Short Speaker Hannah McGregor
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