Awards and Fees

Entrance Awards

Successful applicants for admission to Green College are automatically considered for the R. Howard Webster Graduate Fellowship and, if eligible, for the N. H. Benson International Graduate Award.

All awards are valid for one year (non-renewable).

R. Howard Webster Foundation Fellowships

Graduate student Resident Members of Green College are eligible for the R. Howard Webster Foundation Fellowships, endowed by the R. Howard Webster Foundation and the Province of British Columbia. The fellowships are open to graduate students in any field studying at the University of British Columbia who become Resident Members of Green College. Ten to twelve awards, worth $2,000-$2,500 each, are made in a typical year.

N. H. Benson International Graduate Award

The N.H. Benson International Graduate Award is endowed annually to an international student admitted to Green College. The award is funded by an endowment provided by Dr. Keith Bengtsson, second Principal of Green College (2004-06), in memory of his father, Norman Harold Benson (1916-2011). One award of around $2,000 is made each year.

Residence Fees

Residence fees and meal plan fees are set for each year, beginning September 1 through August 31. All fees are due by the first business day of every month, and are in Canadian Dollars (CAD). Residence fees are paid online via Student Housing and Hospitality Services' Online Service Centre or in person at the Marine Drive Residence located at 2205 Lower Mall, Building 6.

You have the option to pre-pay all of your fees for the term or for the entirety of the contract year.

Rent fees can be found on the Student Housing website:

Residence Fees

Meal Plan Fees

Participation in the meal plan is mandatory for all residents and their partners and should be budgeted for in addition to residence fees.

Meal Plan Fees can be found on the Green College Dining Society website:

Dining Fees