Meet Sharon Stein (Assistant Professor, Educational Studies), Green College Leading Scholar 2019-21

Green College Staff

Sharon Stein, Assistant Professor, Educational Studies

Sharon Stein’s research brings critical and decolonial perspectives to the role of education in society, with a particular emphasis on how universities engage the issues of decolonization, internationalization, and climate change. She works with different communities to denaturalize the attachments and desires that keep us invested in harmful and unsustainable modes of existence, and to ethically encounter and engage other horizons of possibility. Her extended biography can be found here:  

She is the Founder and Convenor of the Critical Internationalization Studies Network ( and a Founding Member of the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Collective (

Some of her recent publications can be viewed here:

Additionally, she was interviewed as an expert for this recent article:


Green College Leading Scholars Program

The Green College Leading Scholars program provides newly appointed UBC faculty members with an opportunity to develop connections while sharing their ideas in a social setting. The appointment is for a two-year period. In the first year of the appointment, GC Leading Scholars meet as a group over dinner at the College at least four times between November and April. In the second year, they are expected to make paired research presentations as part of the College's public interdisciplinary programming. GC Leading Scholars as a group can draw on a budget of up to $5000 p.a. to organize an interdisciplinary workshop in late April or early May in collaboration with resident members of the College.

For more information about the Leading Scholars Program, please visit our website:  If you have additional questions about Green College or the GC Leading Scholars program, please feel free to contact either: