Guest Responsibility Form

If you are hosting an overnight guest at Green College, you must complete this webform. This form promotes a shared understanding about the responsibilities of hosting a guest at Green College. It also can be used to provide a structured process for those seeking permission for having a guest stay overnight for more than 7 nights.


Firstname Lastname

Overnight Guest Rules

  • I understand that I have a responsibility as host, and am responsible for the behaviour of my guest. Any behaviour of my guest in breach of the Residence Contract is deemed to be a breach of the contract by me.
  • I understand that if I live in a shared unit (grad single, or grad split-level), that I have a responsibility to maintain a healthy relationship with my roommate. I will consult with my roommate before my guest arrives about the dates I will have a guest over, listen to any concerns, and reach a mutual agreement about any reasonable additional terms between my roommate and I. For example, roommates might have a shared cleaning schedule, may share supplies, may have a specific schedule to keep to, an upcoming deadline, etc..
  • I understand that I must be present as host with my guest
  • I understand that no guest can stay in my room for more than 7 days without the permission of the Principal. If my submission is for greater than 7 days, the form will be considered as a request for permission. Submission does not grant permission and I will await a reply before permitting my intended guest to stay with me.
  • I understand that failure to comply with these rules may result in my guest privileges being revoked