The Green College Dining Society (GCDS) is an independent society that oversees the provision of meals to members of Green College and guests from the wider community, serving daily meals to residents as well as providing catering services for events held at the College.
Members of the GCDS are comprised of Resident Members of the College, who automatically become members when they take up residence. All resident members, and those staying in guest accommodation, participate in the meal plan organized by the Dining Society.
The GCDS is governed by a Board of Directors with Executive Officers elected annually by members of the Society. The GCDS operates a full-service kitchen in Graham House, managed by the Kitchen Manager who oversees GCDS staff.
GCDS Board of Directors
Executive Officers:
- President: Lawrence Hong, president@gcdining.ca
- Vice President: Vacant, vicepresident@gcdining.ca
- Secretary: Vacant, secretary@gcdining.ca
- Treasurer: Luvina Wan, treasurer@gcdining.ca
- Clark Lundeen (Ex Officio, Green College Representative), clark.lundeen@ubc.ca
GCDS Staff
Damien Terezakis, Manager
Phone: 604-822-3211 / email: catering@gcdining.ca-
Carolina Sartor, Second Cook
Phone: 604-822-0912 / email: kitchen@gcdining.ca-
Shantelle Madden, Tournant (Relief) Cook
Phone: 604-822-0912 / email: kitchen@gcdining.ca-
Peter Law, Breakfast Cook
Phone: 604-822-0912 / email: kitchen@gcdining.ca-
Mike Gilbert, Dishwasher
Phone: 604-822-0912 / email: kitchen@gcdining.ca -
GCDS Bookkeeper
email: bookkeeper@gcdining.ca
Business Contacts
The Green College Dining Society kitchen and office are located in Room 42, in the basement of Graham House, Green College. Guests interested in attending a regular dinner night at the College should email the kitchen at kitchen@gcdining.ca to make a reservation.
Clients interested in catering should speak with the Green College Hospitality Coordinator at gc.hospitality@ubc.ca or 604-822-8660.
Mailing Address
Postal mail is received and sorted by the Green College Office. Please send mail to the address below:
Green College Dining Society
c/o Green College, UBC
6201 Cecil Green Park Road
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1 -