What's Under the Hood? Recovering Specifications of Software Systems

Software runs the world. Much of our daily life is wrapped up in software, yet most software comes with no assurance that it will work, or that it works as expected. In this talk, Ivan Beschastnikh will discuss a research area in software engineering that concerns itself with reverse engineering of software specifications.
  • The Green College Leading Scholars' Series features two speakers at each event. For more information on the other talk being given, please click here.
    Ivan Beschastnikh, Computer Science, UBC
    Coach House, Green College, UBC

    Tuesday, November 3, 5-6:30 pm, reception to follow
    in the series
    Green College Leading Scholars' Series
  • Software runs the world. It determines whether or not you have a particular disease, the paths of airplanes across the sky, and who wins the national election. Much of our daily life is wrapped up in software, yet most software comes with no assurance that it will work, or that it works as expected. In this talk, Ivan Beschastnikh will discuss a research area in software engineering that concerns itself with reverse engineering of software specifications. The aim is to recover a blueprint of the software that will tell us how the software operates. The guiding question for this area of research is whether it is possible (or desirable) to completely formulate properties of software before the software is constructed. According to traditional engineering principles the answer is almost always ‘yes.’ Modern software practices indicate that the answer is often ‘no.’
  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.



November 3rd, 2015 from  5:00 PM to  6:30 PM
Piano Lounge
6201 Cecil Green Park Road
Green College, UBC
Vancouver, BC V6T1Z1
Phone: 604-822-8660
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Speaker Series Green College Leading Scholars' Series
Short Title Recovering Specifications of Software Systems
Speaker (new) Ivan Beschastnikh, Computer Science, UBC
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Speaker First Name Ivan
Speaker Last Name Beschastnikh
Speaker Affiliation Computer Science, UBC
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