Musical Performance by Hamin Honari

  • Musical Performance by Hamin Honari (Persian hand drummer, Tombak and Daf)
    Coach House, Green College, UBC

    Wednesday, September 25, 5-6:30 pm
    in the series
    Early Music Vancouver at Green College: Cultures of Performance
  • Hamin Honari is an Iranian-Canadian hand drummer who has specialized on the Persian hand drums Tombak and Daf, and who adapts his drumming style and technique to accommodate many different genres of music. He has performed with the Dastan Ensemble, one of Iran’s most well-known Persian classical music ensembles, and accompanied many outstanding musicians and singers, such as Salar Aghili, Parissa, Hossein Omoumi, Hossein Behroozinia, Saeed Farajpouri and Itamar Erez. He has been teaching for over 10 years and is creating his own courses for Tombak and Daf.
  • Unless otherwise noted, all of our lectures are free to attend and do not require registration.


September 25th, 2019 from  5:00 PM to  6:30 PM
Coach House
6201 Cecil Green Park Rd
Green College, UBC
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
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Speaker Series Early Music Vancouver at Green College: Cultures of Performance
Short Title Musical Performance by Hamin Honari
Speaker (new) Hamin Honari (Persian hand drums)
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