GC Society Members Write In and Look Back: Sigal Samuel

Green College Staff

Sigal writes from Washington, DC:

“The two years I spent at Green College while working toward my MFA in Creative Writing were some of the happiest I've had to date. The day I moved in, I started talking to a math student and we spontaneously caught a bus downtown to explore our new city; today, ten years later, she’s my best friend. I’ve also remained close friends with several other Greenies, who continue to shape me both personally and intellectually. I work as a journalist at Vox these days, and whether I’m writing an article on neuroscience or artificial intelligence, I have a Greenie ‘source’ I can reach out to for pointers. (I’ve even quoted them a few times!)

While living at Green College, I was writing several short stories and a novel (The Mystics of Mile End), to which several Greenies contributed their ideas. One night, I sent out an email on our listserv asking if anyone could think of an experience they wished they had a specific word for. People wrote back with great responses, like ‘homesickness caused by an uncertainty of where home really is’ and ‘the sensation of being slightly choked by a turtleneck.’ These ended up in my story ‘Words I Wish I Had.’ I also benefited greatly from our Writer in Residence, the poet and translator Oana Avasilichioaei. I still remember the thrill I felt when she left a note on the door of my suite telling me how much she liked a play I’d just written. Her encouragement spurred me on.”

This is an excerpt from the 2018-19 Green College Annual Report. View a copy of the full report here: https://greencollege.ubc.ca/sites/greencollege.ubc.ca/files/2018-19_GCAnnualReport%20WEB_0.pdf




Re: Osnat ant her Dove
Dear Segal,
Your latest book greatly resonates, as we've traced our family tree directly to the Maharal of Prague.
His great granddaughter, Chava Eva Bachrach was also very learned. Pls see below.
We live in BC and I'm trying to order your book for our 8 year old granddaughter in Seattle.
Is it possible for you to forward this book directly to Netta? My daughter Yona and her family will be thrilled.
I can forward payment via PayPal if you prefer.
Kindest regard, Elisabeth Gelb
Cell: 250 466 4352
Eva Bacharach (c. 1580–1651) Hebraist and rabbinical scholar born in Prague, daughter of Isaac ben Simson HaCohen and via her mother, Vögele, granddaughter of famous Rav Judah Loew of Prague. Her brothers, Chaim and Naphtali were also noted rabbis. As a daughter of such a distinguished rabbinical family, she acquired wide knowledge of Hebrew and rabbinical literature often assisted rabbis in solving textual difficulties. Such erudition was quite uncommon among Jewish women of that time and the Memorbuch of Worms makes special mention of it.

As a single drop of water disperses countless spirals,
imagine the power within a simple act of kindness, all within our grasp everyday.