Disclaimer: the Green Lanterns do not offer professional-level counseling services. Call 1-800-SUICIDE if you, or someone you know, is in crisis.
For emotional support: 1-866-661-3311 (BC Crisis Center). Mental Health Support Line: 604-310-6789
To contact us anonymously, and/or to contact all Green Lanterns at once, please use the form below.
Each Green Lantern will receive every message submitted through this box. We take turns assuming responsibility for responding to these emails, unless one of us happens to be particularly suited or unsuited to dealing with a particular issue. Please let us know if you have any preferences as to who deals with your issue (eg. gender preference). You can also contact any of the Green Lanterns privately by emailing one of us directly.
On this form you can enter an anonymous comment, receive advice anonymously, or use this form to set up an appointment with one of the Green Lanterns.

To anonymously inform us about a community issue, enter a comment but do NOT provide your name or email address. Please remember that we will NOT be able to follow up with you directly. You can also use this as a venting box, knowing that a Green Lantern will read it.
If you wish to set up a meeting with a Green Lantern, please be sure to include your name and email address. You can include as much or as little information as you wish; we will contact you to confirm your appointment.
If you have a spare email account (eg. not the same one you use for green-chat), you can also use this form to initiate an anonymous email conversation with a Green Lantern. We will be happy to stay in touch with you for as long as you need. If you need help right away, please consider visiting us in person, since it may take several hours (or even a day or two) for us to respond to emails.